Friday, June 22, 2012

Video Vacay

So there's not a lot on the t.v. right now, and I sprang free for some spring trips away from the tube (aside from the joys of hotel cable!!). I was also working hard to avoid Mad Men spoilers, since I am awaiting the DVD option.

*Game of Thrones - Finished up the first season, and now I can't wait to see the next one.
*Hung - The latest season involves setting up shop -- somewhat unbelievable, but still a good chuckle. They've managed to keep a thin premise going for a surprising amount of time.
*Entourage - A guilty indulgence of my secret inner man-child. How is this show still on the air?
*Enlightened - A new series I caught an unlikable main character whose corporate gig lets her go on a life-altering retreat after a mental breakdown. I really couldn't get into it.
*Girls - I love this chart on the likability of the boys on "Girls." I also discovered that a fair number of people do not like watching things that are uncomfortable to watch. I like it, but it's clearly not for everyone. It is a pretty specific story that doesn't speak to everyone. The boys on the show do some things that strike a lot of people as unforgivable, but I like that it's a challenging show because sometimes people do stuff like that in real life, and people still forgive them. And I do think some stuff that happens is pretty ridiculous, but that's what makes it funny.

I did read some books on these trips: Sense of an Ending (sort of boring British read about an old man looking back on a relationship), Under the Banner of Heaven (fascinating non-fiction about fundamentalist Mormons), and I started IQ84 (very much like other Murakami so far).