Summer's time for swimming, so between strokes I managed to catch a few shows.
*Between the Folds - A nerd-tastical documentary about origami art and science, including everyone from French anarchist origami artists, an Israeli minimalist, to an MIT genuis. Surprisingly beautiful; glad I caught it before it expired on Netflix Instant.
*Wilfred - Season 2 Sneak Peak - After the cliff hanger of last season, I was not sure how they would pull things back together, but somehow they did! I can't wait to see what's in store.
*The Newsroom - I love, love, love the news, and I hate, hate, hate this show. It's so sappy and overacted; it's really unfortunate because I know there's a lot of interesting stuff that goes on in the newsroom. If they left out the "personal" stories it might be a good show.
*Endgame: AIDS in Black America - A seriously heavy, intimate and intricate look at why AIDS continues to increase in the African American community - from the Southern abstinence-only curriculum to evangelical anti-homosexual preaching. Well worth watching.
*NOVA: The Higgs Particle - The real explosion on July 4th was this revelation. How freaky is physics these days?
*The City Dark - Normally, I roll my eyes at stargazers, but after seeing the real night sky out West this summer, I became a bit more humble about it all. I love city life, but I also miss seeing the stars some nights. It's nice to know I'm not alone in that feeling. It was really surprising to learn the melatonin depletion connection between night shift work and breast cancer rates. There's still something pretty mysterious about the night.
*Treme (Season 2) - After feeling stabbed in the heart by the end of the last season, I was slow to start the new season. It's very well done, but Simon sure knows how to twist a knife in your heart just when you think it can't get worse.