*Good Wife - I found the story lines pretty interesting at the beginning of this season, but they're starting to feel a little played out now.
*Bob's Burgers - What, only two new episodes and it's November 4?! C'mon, I'm hungry for more!
*Simpsons - For the first time ever I am not really watching the Simpsons. I watched one episode and the opening credits redeemed it -- sort of.
*Blackish - I am usually not one for heartwarming ABC family comedies, but I heard someone compare this to the Cosby's so I checked it out -- definitely worth some chuckles, and worth applauding for taking on race issues head-on, it's not so great as far as sexism and homophobia goes.
*Last Week Tonight - I cannot stop laughing at the dog Supreme Court video. It is so hilarious!
*Project Runway - I finished out the season and was really happy with their choice. I thought the drama around saving the Detroit designer was a bit overwrought.
*Bully - Ok, this may seem awful to write, but for a movie called "Bully" why didn't they delve into much at all about the bullies themselves? I think we can do more about this issue than release some balloons into the air, but it takes wrestling with some more deep-seated societal issues than this documentary decided to review.
*Twin Sisters - Maybe I was too engrossed in my knitting to catch the subtleties, but just watch the preview for this one and you're good.
*The Trouble with Antibiotics - Frontline seems to be recycling a lot of stories this season, and this one just didn't really tell me anything new.
*Mad Men - Finally got around to seeing the new season when it came out on DVD. Not too interesting so far, but still good solid TV.
*The Source Family - Finally got around to watching this one weekend, and it's really as amazing as everyone says! What a fascinating story.
I loved Not that Kind of Girl and knew I would after enjoying the excerpt in the New Yorker. It was a really funny, quick read. I just started The Bone Clocks and it's good so far but I am trying not to read too much before I leave on my vacation tomorrow so I have something for the plane.
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